Rocky Horror Picture Show Movie Night
The Princeton Theater Group with event sponsor Parlor 909 presents a two-night-interactive viewing of the classic 1975 film The Rocky Horror Picture Show. (Rated R - adult themes) Tickets are $10 and can be purchased online at or at the box office (e-mail or call 815-879-5656. Costumes are encouraged; interactive prop bags ($10.00) are available for pre-purchase. To pre-order/reserve a prop bag, email: (A limited supply will also be available on the night). Before the show, take a selfie at our photo booth, and there will be a quick pre-show lesson on the “Time Warp.” The audience participation callbacks and props cues will be directed during the screening. Snacks, drinks, and novelties will be on sale at the venue. No outside food or beverages are allowed in the theater.
Date and Time
Friday Oct 20, 2023 Saturday Oct 21, 2023
10/20/23 7:30 pm 10/21/23 7:30 pm
Grace Theater 316 S. Main St. Princeton IL 61356
$10.00 Prop bags are an additional $10 (but you may also bring your own--approved list is on the Festival 56 website)